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Ирина Федорова

Ирина Федорова

Personal information

City: Saint Petersburg

Upcoming competitions

Past events

Running City 2017

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 7 October 2017

P4165 «Вира»  

67 rank of 191 (played: 222) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 31 of 32.

Running City Moscow 2017

Moscow, the game was held on 22 April 2017

L2101 «Send Nudes»  

10 rank of 63 (played: 80) in a category «Atlas-Liight»
CPs taken: 18+3 of 19+8.

Running City 2016

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 8 October 2016

L268 «В.О.»  

6 rank of 21 (played: 33) in a category «Atlas-Liight»
CPs taken: 24+2 of 24+3.

Linear dependence

St. Petersburg, the game was held on 12 June 2016

1259 «ВО»  

51 rank of 199 (played: 220) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 24 of 25.

Running City Moscow 2016

Moscow, the game was held on 16 April 2016

L293 «В.О.»  

14 rank of 83 (played: 107) in a category «Atlas-Liight»
CPs taken: 20+5 of 21+7.

Heart of the City

St.Petersburg and Moscow, the game was held on 13 February 2016

184 «Апельсинчики»  

20 rank of 182 (played: 192) in a category «St.Petersburg»
CPs taken: 17 of 18.

Running City 2015

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 10 October 2015

P476 «В.О.»  

1 rank of 210 (played: 231) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 37 of 37.

Night Movie (2015)

St.Petersburg, the game was held on 13 June 2015

1160 «Апельсинчики»  

136 rank of 144 (played: 164) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 15 of 24.

Running City Moscow 2015

Moscow, the game was held on 18 April 2015

281 «В.О.»  

50 rank of 73 (played: 88) in a category «Atlas»
CPs taken: 19+3 of 32+6.

Lucky ticket. St.Petersburg

St. Petersburg, the game was held on 8 November 2014

164 «Апельсинчики»  

61 rank of 107 (played: 119) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 10+2 of 11+4.

Running City 2014

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 11 October 2014

233 «мы убьем кеды»  

15 rank of 18 (played: 25) in a category «Atlas»
CPs taken: 16+2 of 24+3.

Night City Game

St. Petersburg, the game was held on 13 June 2014

1181 «2D»  

63 rank of 105 (played: 139) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 20 of 40.

Running City Moscow 2014

Moscow, the game was held on 26 April 2014

274 «Anti anti»  

55 rank of 64 (played: 75) in a category «Atlas»
CPs taken: 17+2 of 34+5.

Running City Vsevolozhsk 2014

Vsevolozhsk district, the game was held on 29 March 2014

748 «LL»  

Category «Sphinx»

Running City 2013

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 12 October 2013

L710 «3L»  

41 rank of 118 (played: 134) in a category «Sphinx-Light»
CPs taken: 14+0 of 19+4.

Running City 2012

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 27 October 2012

P4224 «Мишки Гамми»  

269 rank of 288 (played: 323) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 26 of 32.

Running City 2011

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 22 October 2011

L734 «Ёжик в Тумане и Роб»  

23 rank of 156 (played: 198) in a category «Sphinx-Light»
CPs taken: 15+1 of 17+2.