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Света Андрикеева

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Personal information

City: Moscow Region

Upcoming competitions

Past events

Running City Moscow 2015

Moscow, the game was held on 18 April 2015

P4155 «фундуки»  

Category «Lion-Pro»

Running City Moscow 2014

Moscow, the game was held on 26 April 2014

P4137 «ФуНдуки»  

35 rank of 169 (played: 217) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 30 of 35.

Running City 2012

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 27 October 2012

P467 «питер выходного дня»  

233 rank of 288 (played: 323) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 28 of 32.

Running City Moscow 2012

Moscow, the game was held on 21 April 2012

P483 «свидание с городом»  

126 rank of 241 (played: 241) in a category «Lion-Pro»
CPs taken: 28 of 35.