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Анжелика Малинова

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Personal information

City: Saint Petersburg

Upcoming competitions

Past events

Running City Online. St.Petersburg

St. Petersburg, the game was held on 26 April 2020

2361 «32 фуэте»  

471 rank of 839 (played: 1088) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 32 of 39.

Action Points

St.Petersburg and Moscow, the game was held on 2 July 2016

171 «Кайманки»  

72 rank of 79 (played: 81) in a category «St.Petersburg»
CPs taken: 42 of 55.

Action Points III

St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, the game was held on 15 August 2015

171 «Кайманки»  

36 rank of 65 (played: 68) in a category «St.Petersburg»
CPs taken: 41 of 46.

Running City 2012

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 27 October 2012

L4136 «Кайманы»  

129 rank of 142 (played: 165) in a category «Lion-Light»
CPs taken: 31 of 35.


St.Petersburg, the game was held on 13 May 2012

135 «Кайманы»  

52 rank of 100 (played: 221) in a category «Elementary!»
CPs taken: 1 of 1.

Running City 2011

St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the game was held on 22 October 2011

L8114 «кайманы»  

49 rank of 97 (played: 107) in a category «Griffin Light»
CPs taken: 29+2 of 30+2.