Старт маршрута
- 00 ул. Генерала Хрулёва, д. 9
59.995574, 30.293056 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Площадка около здания киностудии. Вход в ворота
Этап 1
- 401 ul. Savushkina, 12
59.985835, 30.296553 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Façade facing ul. Savushkina
- Number of pilasters at the level of the 4th-6th floors
Please note that the tasks use the European system of floor numbering (ground, first, second...).Ответ: 10
- 402 nab. Chyornoy rechki, 20
59.988819, 30.292107 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Monument in the yard
- Object on the stone of medium height
Typewriter / book (or diary)
Section of the park between the 1st and 2nd Beryozovaya al.
59.979073, 30.296617 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Plaques with the information about the trees planted in front of 1st Beryozovaya al., 6
- Date on the plaques
- 404 Vyazemsky per., 6
59.972765, 30.299128 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Plaque with flat numbers of stairwell No.3
- Floor with the lowest number of flats according to the plaque
- 405 Novosibirskaya ul., 16, k. 2
59.992017, 30.302256 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Wall of the school facing ul. Matrosa Zheleznyaka, 3. Large painting with horses on the wall
- Number of horses
59.987869, 30.305228 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- See image.An experienced Running City participant will surely be surprised. But for many this is the reality. House No. 2, building 2 along the street from which the street you need begins. Brick fence next to the playground in the yard
- Number of poppy flowers
Some cities have their “pair” which they are sometimes confused with. In the table we showed several pairs of such cities, and indicated whether such a toponym is present on the map of St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg there are no toponyms associated with Krasnodar, but there are those associated with Krasnoyarsk; Budapest and Bucharest are both present on the map; there is neither Terespol nor Tiraspol; Belarusian Brest is also present; finally, there is Novorossiysk and Novosibirskaya ulitsa (Novosibirsk Street) which you need to find.Ответ: 13
- 407 Riddle
59.994415, 30.301275 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- - Drink a glass of lemonade, cross the river and, after ..., return home.
- Drink a glass of lemonade, leave, meet the wife and return home.
- Drink a glass of lemonade. Leave and, passing Dvortsovaya naberezhnaya, Troitsky Bridge, Peter and Paul Fortress, ... and after 5 other steps, return home.
If you choose the correct fatal ellipsis, then you will easily find the public garden. To the south of the monument, find a tree planted in honour of the 275th anniversary.
Plaque in front of the tree - Fourth line from the top
Descriptions of actions that could have been taken by Aleksandr Pushkin will lead you to the place of his last duel.Ответ: деятеля Якутии
деятеля Якутии
- 410 ul. Professora Popova, 10
59.970893, 30.312437 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Museum. Yard
- Signature of an official
Этап 2
- 411 nab. r. Karpovki, 32
59.969629, 30.300735 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Façade facing ul. V. Vishnevskogo. Blue-white poster located above one of the windows of the ground floor
- Animals on the poster
ul. Barmaleyeva, 21
59.965162, 30.304404 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Façade facing the street
- Number of lion heads above the ground floor windows
6 or 8
Историческая справка
Известно, что в конце XVIII века на территории улицы Бармалеева жили отец-прапорщик и сын-вахмистр по фамилии Бармалеевы, что, по одной из версий, дало название улицы. По другой версии, здесь ранее держал склады купец с такой же фамилией, и именно его фамилия осталась в истории топонима.
А столетие спустя по этой улице шли Корней Чуковский и художник Мстислав Добужинский, которые с этими версиями знакомы не были. Чуковский предположил, что некогда на улице жил англичанин по фамилии Бромлей, чья фамилию изменили время и русский язык. Добужинский был категорически несогласен. Он был уверен, что Бармалей - это злой усатый дядька с кривым ножом и пистолетом, который питается маленькими детьми.
Маленькие дети в наше время именно так и знают Бармалея. - 413 Lakhtinskaya ul., 19 Church of Blessed St. Xenia of St. Petersburg near the building
59.963336, 30.298999 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Information poster about the construction of the church
- All years on the poster
2010, 2018
- 414 Bolshaya Pushkarskaya ul., 39A
59.963027, 30.310632 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- “Last Address” plaques
- Months in dates on the plaques
06 (June), 09 (September)
- 415 Kamennoostrovsky pr., 26-28
59.963134, 30.313905 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- The gateway with a suspended lantern closest to Andrey Petrov Garden
- Number of caissons on the coffering
- 416 Riddle
59.965331, 30.308811 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Thanks to the Soviet cinema, two military men became very popular among the people, turning into favourite characters of various jokes. However, few people remember that they were namesakes, but in truth only one of them was real, the one who had appeared earlier. Children's playgrounds in front of houses No. 3 and No. 3a in the street with the name similar to his position.
Sculptures of animals at the playgrounds. - Which animals stand in pairs?
Curiously enough, two films characters with the same surname we hugely popular in the Soviet Union, Pyotr Isayev (Chapayev’s orderly Petka) and Maksim Isayev (known as Stirlitz). “Seventeen Moments of Spring” was released 40 years after “Chapayev”, with Stirlitz being a literary character, whereas Pyotr Isayev as an orderly (ordinarets) to Chapayev. You need to find Ordinarnaya ulitsa.Ответ: Penguins
59.961386, 30.310925 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- See the old panorama. House No.27 in the street marked with a cross.
Memorial plaque with 13 lines - Years from the plaque
Two churches that exist now will help you find Kronverkskaya ulitsa.Ответ: 1938, 1946
1938, 1946
- 420 pr. Medikov, 5. Territory behind the building
59.969132, 30.317448 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Korp. 36. Loft COM.NATA
- Signature of an official
Этап 3
- 421 Aptekarskaya nab., 20
59.978391, 30.314693 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Figure of a man on the Internet in front of the building entrance
- Jewellery
a ring
- 422 ul. Chapayeva, 30
59.967646, 30.328578 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Fence facing the Karpovka River
- Birds depicted on the fence
Geese (swans)
- 423 ul. Fokina, 1
59.966869, 30.342354 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Memorial plaque
- Months on the plaque
июнь, июль / June, July
- 424 Lesnoy pr., 21, k. 1
59.966558, 30.35056 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Building façade facing the avenue
- Number of female faces at the 3rd floor level
- 425 Instrumentalnaya ul. Tributs Bunker
59.973229, 30.325524 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Red information sign
- Phone number with the lowest sum of digits
- 426 Riddle
59.976187, 30.319572 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- It is well known that many cat owners are ready to treat their pets with a dainty whenever the latter want to. A certain webcomic suggested that the cat of a famous person called its owner by tinkling a bell.Find house No.3 in the owner’s street.Blue plaque with a "Vodokanal" logo
- Number at the very bottom
If a dog eats when a bell rings, a cat will ring a bell and have its food brought to it by its master. You need to find ulitsa Akademika Pavlova.Ответ: 0.5
- 427 Riddle
59.972469, 30.324905 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- “Sasha, listen carefully. Your task is to establish connection between St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Sebastopol, and Yekaterinburg.” "Professor, can I go to the parlour first?"“Where is this fervour coming from? Almost none of your colleagues visit this parlour, but each of them can do it, and more than once.Go to that parlour. Turn to the first street to the east of it and find a memorial plaque.
Upper slab. Fifth line from the top.
- Number of letters
Reference to the Memorial Aleksandr Popov Apartment Museum will bring you to St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical Institute (“LETI” Technical Institute).
Ответ: 19
- 430 Bolshoy Sampsonievsky pr., 45
59.969515, 30.341876 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- “Vesyolaya zateya” (“Merry Venture”) shop
- Signature of an official
Этап 4
- 431 Novolitovskaya ul., 5
59.97823, 30.347182 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Ground floor windows
- Redraw a pattern under one of the ground floor windows
- 432 Building of the Military Physical Culture Institute between Litovskaya ul. and Lesnoy pr., 34/36, k. 4
59.9748, 30.345396 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Bas-reliefs depicting kinds of sports above the gates facing Lesnoy pr.
- Kind of sport depicted on the third bas-relief from "Vyborgskaya" metro station
Football / Soccer
59.983345, 30.335359 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- See image. House No. 76 in the location marked with a cross. One of the entrances to the building
- Year above the entrance
The house is located near the intersection of the unnamed avenue and Flyugov pereulok. Flyugov pereulok was one the name of Kantemirovskaya ulitsa. The avenue is Bolshoy Sampsonievsky prospekt.Ответ: 1952
59.98464, 30.342691 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- See image.
If that historical figure had
a smartphone, then notifications on it would look like this.House No. 61, k. 1 along the tram route.
Memorial plaques on the building
- Years indicated on the plaque with the lowest sum of digits
The date is not deleted by accident: the notifications describe the actions of Vladimir Lenin on 24 October (6 November) 1917. The time on the phone hints at the date of birth of the world proletariat leader. Lenin left the secret flat at 1, Serdobolskaya ulitsa and took a tram from 1st Murinskiy to Botkinskaya str. The tram route went along Lesnoy prospect.Ответ: 1934, 1940
1934, 1940
- 435 Riddle
59.972399, 30.3424 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Ironically, despite the fact that many of his relatives contributed to this city being visited by prominent figures of culture and politics, at one moment in history, he himself had to settle there. House No. 3 in the street named after the city. Building façade facing the street you must guess.
- Number of downpipes on the façade
Tobolsk was the first interim stop for many famous people sent to exile to Siberia link. In 1917 Nicholas II lived there for some time with his family after his abdication.Ответ: 4
- 450 Beloostrovskaya ul., 3
59.984795, 30.331999 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Bus stop in front of the building. Boarding onto the bus specially booked for the Running City participants.
- Bus side number
Ответ: 1155\1455
Финиш маршрута
- 99 ул. Генерала Хрулёва, д. 9
59.995577, 30.29305 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)
- Площадка около здания киностудии. Вход в ворота